Temporary alcohol license - Application (English)

For it to be matter of a temporary license, the serving of alcohol must not be of permanent nature. It can for example be a license for festivals or similar events. You can apply for either public events or for private parties.

The application fee is paid into the licensing unit's account (bankgiro) 5089-5812.

Application fee for public events:

  • A licens for 1 day: 3 100 SEK (of which SEK 1 900 refers to the supervisory charge)
  • A licens for more than 1 day: 4 900 SEK (of which SEK 3 700 refers to the supervisory charge)
  • A temporary license for public events is granted until no later than 01.00

Application fee for private parties:

  • A licens for a private party (1-3 days): 1 200 SEK (of which SEK 600 refers to the supervisory charge)
  • A licens for more than 3 days: 1 800 SEK (of which SEK 1 200 refers to the supervisory charge)

More information regarding temporary alcohol license (Swedish)

Documents that are to be attached:

  1. Receipt for the paid application fee.
  2. Land lease/lease agreement/rental agreement.
  3. Description of the event.
  4. Menu.
  5. Drawing showing the establishment and seating. Carefully demarcate the area where alcohol is to be served and where the guesta are to be with their alcoholic beverages.
  6. Decision for registration of approved food handling (only if the application refers to more than one day).
  7. Certificate of incorporation from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (only for business owners).
  8. Statutes (only for associations).
  9. Minutes indicating the composition of the board, who the authorised signatories are, and the personal identity numbers of all board members.

The application should have been received by the licensing unit a month prior to the event.

Applications  and documents are sent to:

Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen
205 80 Malmö




040-34 55 50


Arbetsmarknads- och socialnämnden
