Permanent alcohol license - Application (English)

Application fee

The application fee of SEK 10,000 is paid into the licensing unit's account 5089-5812.

Specify the licensing unit’s reference number 8535, the name of the restaurant and what the application refers to on the payment form (or in the message box if you are using online banking).

Exempel: 8535, Restaurant, food and drink, Application for permanent license

Documents that are to be attached to the application:

  • Receipt for the paid application fee.
  • Certificate of incorporation from the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
  • Power of attorney (If you hire representation).
  • Ownership
  • Bill of sale/leasehold agreement.
  • Account for funding and proof of expenses.
  • Rental agreement and approval of alcohol service.
  • Permit from the Police Authority.
  • Drawings of the premises.
  • First-year operating budget.
  • Estimated turnover of alcoholic beverages.
  • Knowledge of the Alcohol Act/knowledge test
  • Registration of persons responsible for service.
  • Menu
  • Description of the focus of activities.
  • Registration of food establishment.
  • Statement from Räddningstjänsten Syd.

Further instructions about the documents listed above, can be found  in the document "Application for permanent alcohol license".

More information regarding permanent alcohol license (Swedish)

Applications  and documents are sent to

Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen
205 80 Malmö



040-34 55 50


Arbetsmarknads- och socialnämnden